Papaya Juice Powder is a 100% natural fruit powder derived from papaya. This juice powder is made by a drying process and natural nutritive contents remain intact. It is also a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin B, minerals, fiber, magnesium and other essential nutrients. This powder is used as a concentrate for making grape juice as well as a flavoring agent in various cakes, cookies or ice creams. It is sweet in taste with a delightful aroma of papaya.
Product Details
Product Name : Dried Papaya Powder ( Spray Dried )
Appearance pale Light Yellow Colour Color
Taste Characteristic flavour
Bulk density 40-60gm/100ml
Particle size 100% passes #80 mesh.
Sulphated Ash NMT 5 %
pH 10% sol. 4.0- 5.0
Moisture Max 5.0%
Total Ash Max 4.0%
Microbiological Data
Total Plate Count NMT 1000 cfu. per g
Yeast & Mould NMT 100 cfu. per g
E. coli Absent
Salmonella spp. Absent
Shelf Life 1 Year
Usages : Use in Food, Health pharmaceutical preparations, Water-soluble beverages etc.
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